Pregnancy-Optimized Fitness

Transform pregnancy and postnatal (and your pelvic floor) with the only streaming fitness platform where every workout is approved for safety and impact by leading OB/GYNs.

Plan, Workout, Get Results

Setup your personal pregnancy fitness plan, do the right workouts for each stage and symptom, and see your pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal recovery transformed in ways you never thought possible.*

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OB/GYN-approved for piece of mind.

Every workout on our platform undergoes a rigorous approval process by leading OB/GYNs who are experts in identifying movements and positions that pose a risk in each stage of pregnancy through postnatal.

That’s why a survey by McKinsey & Co found Expect ranks best-in-class for safety. We even have pelvic floor training approved by a urogynecologist, an OB/GYN who specializes in the pelvic floor!

Dr. Rachel Villanueva
Dr. Megan L. Evans
Dr. Hannah Ryles
Dr. Sarah St. Louis
Dr. Lee Morrone
Dr. Ann Schutt-Ainé
Dr. Ngozi Monu
Dr. Martina Ayad
Dr. Amartha Gore

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The most exercise variety for pregnancy— of any platform.

Pregnancy is an afterthought on general market fitness platforms because they lack the medical rigor to offer workouts beyond light yoga and other limited categories. Our rigorous medical review process allows us to offer the full breadth of workouts moms want from strength to core to pilates and pelvic floor.

Special attention to pelvic floor in pregnancy

Pelvic floor strength is essential for delivery, postnatal recovery, and to avoid symptoms like incontinence and reduced sexual pleasure. That's why Expect includes urogynecologist-crafted workouts specifically designed to get results before, during, and after pregnancy.

A fitness plan tailored specifically for your pregnancy.

With Expect, you can build a fitness plan for your pregnancy and postnatal journey. Enter your due date, answer a few questions, and we'll recommend workouts designed for results on a week-by-week basis. You can't get that level of pregnancy-specific custimization anywhere else.

Workouts for every trimester, symptom, and vibe.

Every mom is different, every trimester is different, and every day of pregnancy comes with challenges like fluctuations in energy to nausea. Our workouts are curated for every situation—including workouts that actually relieve symptoms like back pain!

Tracking, casting, doctor's notes and more!

Expect is a modern fitness platform with workout tracking, casting workouts to your TV—and more features coming every month. We even add doctor's notes to every workout for an added layer of guidance and safety.

Fitness Fights Complications

The science is clear:  fitness reduces complications in pregnancy by massive percentages across the board.
Premature Birth

38% reduction in the risk of baby being born prematurely.

Gestational Diabetes

76% reduction in the risk of developing diabetes while pregnant.

Postpartum Depression

67% reduction in postpartum depression diagnoses.

Infant Risks

Reduces disease risks from heart disease to developmental disorders.

Preventable C-Section

20% reduction in c-sections that would otherwise be unnecessary.


54% reduction in potentially dangerous hypertension later in pregnancy.


Backed by Great Institutions


How challenging are Expect workouts?
How often should I exercise?
How do I know when I should stop exercising?
Are there age guidelines for prenatal fitness?